I am sorry you are dealing with a Narcissist. That can make anyone feel triggered all the time.
There is actually such a thing as an Anxious Avoidant attachment style, otherwise known as "Fearful Avoidant." This is a good article on some of the traits https://medium.com/the-conscious-way/5-clear-signs-you-have-a-fearful-avoidant-attachment-style-ca81b404c048.
But also, I feel like anyone involved in a toxic relationship cycle, regardless of attachment styles, will automatically get triggered and may start demonstrating behaviors and reactions that may not be natural to us but are a defense mechanism against abuse. Therapy helped me understand my particular attachment peculiarities :). There is also a book called "Attached" by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller that is a good introduction to attachment theory.
Wishing you strength and insight.